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Now, You Can Rejoice In Yourself Through A Healthy Lifestyle
Get An Unrivaled Fulfilling Experience

Challenge Rewards LLC is a diverse Challenge & Reward, E-Commerce, and Holistic Membership website that Robert Grzywa and his wife Josie created in December 2021. The idea to establish Challenge Rewards LLC came about when Josie was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer in 2020. Since then, we have extensively researched holistic and traditional treatments to find alternatives for her well-being. After thoroughly studying and exploring the fitness industry, we've come to realize that most health apps are designed for the much younger generations who are energetic and athletic. Since these apps are based on exercise-driven results instead of daily exercises such as walking, rendering them useless for most individuals throughout the world for whom the initial step toward fitness remains walking.

Consequently, we decided to create Challenge Rewards, a website, and app suitable not just for agile people but also for those planning to embark on their fitness journey. Now with our user-friendly software, we also cater to non-athletic individuals, the elderly, those recuperating from injuries, or those with little to no exercise inspiration, who are just looking for fun, excitement, and motivation in everything.

We present all these traits; excitement, motivation, and inspiration when exercising by offering various rewards and prizes upon completion of our program, such as in our walking challenges, including tangible state-of-the-art gadgets. At Challenge Rewards LLC, we aspire to encourage more people to embrace a healthy lifestyle, to enhance their physical and mental well-being.

Over time we have accumulated much knowledge through various research methods, after which we expanded our understanding to create our eBooks that are available online for purchase on our website. We've also added suggestions from Josie's Naturopathic Oncologist, Gynecological Oncologist, Acupuncturist, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist, and Chiropractor. They are all amazed at the progress that Josie is making just by walking.

Making it safe to state by experience and based on professional advice that walking just a few steps each day opens doors to a lifetime of health and prosperity.

Tracy McCartney

Co - Founder

As sad as I was to hear that my son has been diagnosed with Cancer. The thoughts that I, as a parent, had to endure were daunting enough, over which I also had to consider how my son had to cope with the entire experience. A random evening I saw him going through your website and the walking challenge. We collectively decided to indulge in it and since then, not only have we enjoyed it, but it has greatly allowed us to progress in coping while also helping Davide, my son, to improve his health.

Caleb Jotlen

Co - Founder

Being alone is never easy. Unfortunately, I have no one to rally on as a single 28years boy from Ethiopia. It's been almost 3 years since I've been living in the USA all alone, and the past year has been very stressful but, honestly speaking, Challenge Reward has been a true help to me! From encouragement and advice to even how to take on things ahead with my life, all come from here. Thanks, guys, for all the support.

Catherine Bruce

Co - Founder

Jose is a great inspiration to me. Thanks for sharing all your experiences, advice, and personal well-being, as it has aided me greatly when I feel low. The way you are overcoming Cancer has truly inspired me.