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Daily Walking Challenge

Social Media Challenge

Referral Program


Challenge Rewards Mobile App

Our app is super easy and fun. It rewards you with several points when you complete one of our multiple-tiered levels of walking challenges. Your progress is tracked. Once you win the challenge, you can purchase quality premium products from our online store by redeeming your earned reward points.

Challenge Rewards Website

Our users can hold themselves accountable by viewing their exact steps. Take pride in yourself since you have achieved this by completing one of our monthly challenges. We aim to encourage and alter your thinking by making walking exercises pleasurable, thrilling, and scholastic rather than a painful experience. And a bright side to all this is that you are modifying your behavior patterns toward a healthy lifestyle.

Tracy McCartney

Co - Founder

As sad as I was to hear that my son has been diagnosed with Cancer. The thoughts that I, as a parent, had to endure were daunting enough, over which I also had to consider how my son had to cope with the entire experience. A random evening I saw him going through your website and the walking challenge. We collectively decided to indulge in it and since then, not only have we enjoyed it, but it has greatly allowed us to progress in coping while also helping Davide, my son, to improve his health.

Caleb Jotlen

Co - Founder

Being alone is never easy. Unfortunately, I have no one to rally on as a single 28years boy from Ethiopia. It's been almost 3 years since I've been living in the USA all alone, and the past year has been very stressful but, honestly speaking, Challenge Reward has been a true help to me! From encouragement and advice to even how to take on things ahead with my life, all come from here. Thanks, guys, for all the support.

Catherine Bruce

Co - Founder

Jose is a great inspiration to me. Thanks for sharing all your experiences, advice, and personal well-being, as it has aided me greatly when I feel low. The way you are overcoming Cancer has truly inspired me.